
Hopkins Hunting and Sporting Clays cordially invites you to test your hunting skills on approximately 3000 acres of prime hunting property located in Kent and Queen Annes County, on the Eastern Shore of Maryland.


CLOSED: Jan. 2 - 4 Closed March 29 Tim Kern Tournament April 20 Easter April 25 No practice shooting May 2 Closed May 8 - 14 Savage Race May 29 – June 3 Eastern Shore Open July 4th Independence Day Aug. 21 – 26 Great American Sept. 1 - 10 Savage Race Sept. 11 – 13 Vintagers Cup Oct. 16 - 18 Muzzleloader Nov. 27 Thanksgiving Day Nov. 29 & 30 Shotgun Dec. 6 Closed Dec. 25 Christmas Day

Special Events at Hopkins

Savage Race Mid-Atlantic MAY 10, 2025
5+ miles of Savage terrain, obstacles, mud, and water crossing

We are a favorite hunting destination for hunters from Maryland, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Virginia, Delaware, and all over! Call to schedule your next Maryland hunting trip for: White Tail Deer Hunting or Canada Goose Hunting.